Isola Design Community
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Isola Design Group is the first company providing visibility and opportunities to independent designers, design studios, and brands worldwide. Isola offers a community platform for designers and creatives worldwide, featuring personal profiles, project portfolios, and direct messaging for the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and experiences.

During physical events, Isola’s community can exhibit in curated exhibitions or independent spaces, showcasing their works on a global stage in countries like Italy, the UK, the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE.

Through Isola Studio, designers, brands, organizations, and companies have access to consultancy services including communication, exhibitions, event organization, and public relations.
What we offer
All-in-one platform
Design Agenda
Market Places
Discover more
Curated Events
Milan Design Week
Dutch Desing Week
Dubai Desing Week
London Desing Festival
Isola Design Awards
Take part
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Public Relations
Social Media
Web Design
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Why join Us?
Discover the
Find the works of the world’s most
designers on our curated
community and keep updated on
the foremost design happenings.
Join the curated
All the design studios, designers and
architects in our exclusive community
are selected by our curatorial team.
Only selected designers can share
, and get the chance to be
contacted by companies, collectors,
journalists and design lovers!
Become a partner
and a contributor
Isola aims to keep the contents of
the platfrom in a full swing. You can
upload and promote your upcoming
events, exhibitions and virtual
spaces on Isola’s platform by being
a partner.
What are you waiting for?
Take part!
What designers say
I discovered Isola Design District through an Instagram post, which proposed to participate to the next Milan Design Week.

At that time, I just returned from my six-month residency in Taiwan and I was looking for a way to present my projects created there.

The whole Isola team knew how to help me and accompanied me during this beautiful digital celebration of design. A big thanks for this adventure full of opportunities.
Dorian Etienne
Product designer | France
“The curated online platform by Isola Design District has offered the design community a needed podium to present new work, a stage that had been missing in the past months due to Covid-19.

It is great to see that the online platform has been embraced by both designers and design media”
Wisse Trooster
Designer | Netherlands
“We were coming to terms with the exhibition circuit being closed for the year and then one of our peers notified us that Isola was going digital.

We signed up right away, and had an incredibly rich experience getting to know the team, other contributors and ultimately getting to immerse ourselves in the world they created.

What they did is special and quite brave. A big thank you from Stacklab.”
Jeff Forrest
Designer | Canada
I think what has worked best for me so far was your support through the social media channel, that’s how some people became aware of my project and got in touch with me.

The live streaming events are very inspiring, in my opinion you have selected a very good selection of different sustainable designers from different areas. I also think it’s really nice that you offer a free plan for students and support them without any further costs and thus provide a platform for publication.
Sarah Harbart
Product designer | Switzerland
Being part of the Isola Design Community is a unique experience that allowed me to be part of a big virtual exhibition during this year’s unprecedented situation.

My profile reached great exposure through visitors and features in Elle Decoration and the Isola Design Magazine. I also joined some fantastic live events and met fellow material designers from around the globe.
I hope the Isola Digital Platform grows and grows and I cannot wait to see what’s next!
Paula Nerlich
Material designer | Germany
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Our Team
Gabriele Cavallaro

Founder & CEO

Elif Resitoglu

Founder & Creative Director

Giulio Nicoletti

Event Manager

Nicola Nicoletti

Event Manager

Wisse Trooster

Business Developer

Juan Torres

External Curator

Volkan Akman


Eda Buyukbas

Web Developer

Rodny Aquino

Content Manager & PR

Laura Brun

Account & Community Manager

Anna Bolletti

Social Media Manager & Copywriter

Valeria Beccari

Graphic Designer

Rana Ali

Graphic Designer

Alessandra Benzi

Event & Partnership Manager

Mariateresa D'Imperio

Assistant Curator

Sofia Mancini

Communication & PR Assistant

Karen Beyrouthy

Visual Designer

Giulia Petrucci

Account and Community Assistant

Marianna Bertoni

Social Media Manager & Copywriter

Tomas Koch Santos

Business Developer

Gabriele Cavallaro

Founder & CEO

Elif Resitoglu

Founder & Creative Director

Giulio Nicoletti

Event Manager

Nicola Nicoletti

Event Manager

Wisse Trooster

Business Developer

Juan Torres

External Curator

Silvia Laera

Social Media Manager & Copywriter

Eda Buyukbas

Web Developer

Rodny Aquino

Content Manager & PR

Laura Brun

Account & Community Manager

Anna Bolletti

Social Media Manager & Copywriter

Valeria Beccari

Graphic Designer

Rana Ali

Graphic Designer

Alessandra Benzi

Event & Partnership Manager

Mariateresa D'Imperio

Assistant Curator

Sofia Mancini

Communication & PR Assistant

Karen Beyrouthy

Visual Designer

Giulia Petrucci

Account and Community Assistant

Marianna Bertoni

Social Media Manager & Copywriter

Tomas Koch Santos

Business Developer

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Whatsapp: +39 320 1357924
Whatsapp: +39 320 1357924
Isola Design Group srl ⎯ Viale Francesco Restelli 49, 20124, Milano
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