Approve Profile
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Are you already in the network?

Isola is the first social platform for curators, organizations, academies, design studios, designers, gallerists and design enthusiasts to communicate their latest works, ideas and participations.

If you have an approved profile you can post your projects on the community page and join the curated platform, if your account is not approved don’t worry you can still share your ideas and projects as Journal.

How to approve your profile?
Create your profile

First of all, you need to log-in/sign-in to the platform and create your profile.
Complete your profile

Complete your profile by adding a profile photo, a cover photo, a short bio and your contact details.
Send your application

Fulfill the participation form to be able to request for an approved profile our crutorial team will be in contact with you.
How to approve your profile?
It seems like you don’t have a profile yet
First of all, you need to log in to the platform by signing in with an email and a password or if you already have one simply log-in.
Sign in

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Whatsapp: +39 320 1357924
Isola Design Group srl ⎯ Viale Francesco Restelli 49, 20124, Milano
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