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 Isola Design Agenda - DISCLOSURE DDW24-In the basement of Area 51 Isola will present Disclosure showcasing unique collectible designs and contemporary products crafted by independent designers and design studios from around the world with a dedicated area where select studios will host live performances-Dutch Design Week 2024 
by Isola.design
Saturday 19 October 2024
Sunday 27 October 2024
05.00 - 12.00
Eindhoven | Netherlands

Ketelhuisplein, 5617 AB Eindhoven, Netherlands

Price: Free

In the basement of Area 51, Isola will present Disclosure, showcasing unique collectible designs and contemporary products crafted by independent designers and design studios from around the world, with a dedicated area where select studios will host live performances.
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With an iteration of the Milanese showcase, Disclosure will take over a 300 sqm space in the basement of the skatepark. The exhibition will feature more than 40 between independent designers and design studios showcasing unique collectible pieces and contemporary products.The industrial space will be divided into thematic sections where selected studios will offer behind-the-scenes glimpses into their craft through live performances and workshops throughout the design week. The innovative 3D printed exhibition plinths by Vertico 3DP, leading Dutch company in the 3D printing sector, will add a cutting-edge dimension to the setup. As the heart of the Isola Design event, Disclosure will also host talks, panel discussions with industry professionals, networking opportunities, and various events and parties.

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