Via Colamontano 8 A - Via Colamontano, 8 A Milano
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Il centro Movimento è caratterizzato da spazi accoglienti e curati. Movimento si trova nel quartiere di Isola ed è stato fondato da Gabriella Icardi con l’obiettivo di diffondere in Italia il metodo Feldenkrais per la cura e il benessere della persona.
The Movimento center is characterized by its cozy and neat spaces. Movimento is located in the Isola district and was founded by Gabiella Icardi with the aim of spreading the Feldenkrais method for personal care and well-being in Italy.
General Information
Total Square Meters
Entrance Dimension
Floor Numbers
Rooms Numbers
Catering Area
Air Conditioning
Heating System
Cleaning Service
Alarm System
Technical Features
Audio System
Video System

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Whatsapp: +39 320 1357924
Isola Design Group srl ⎯ Viale Francesco Restelli 49, 20124, Milano
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