Via Pastrengo - Via Pastrengo Milano
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Soleggiato negozio di circa 30 mq nelle immediate vicinanze del Bosco Verticale. Lo spazio è stato appena ristrutturato e gode di un doppio ingresso e di una vetrina su strada che dona luminosità all'ambiente.
Sunny shop of approximately 30 square metres in the immediate proximity of the Bosco Verticale. The space has just been renovated and benefits from a double entrance and a shop window on the street that gives brightness to the environment.
General Information
Total Square Meters
Entrance Dimension
320 cm
Floor Numbers
Ground floor
Rooms Numbers
Catering Area
Air Conditioning
Heating System
Cleaning Service
Alarm System
Technical Features
Audio System
Video System

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Isola Design Group srl ⎯ Viale Francesco Restelli 49, 20124, Milano
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