B&T Open Call 
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Get ready for this new opportunity

We’re looking for inventive minds in the field of industrial design.

The challenge lies in synthesizing aesthetic, function, and sustainability, creating an iconic piece that echoes the resonance of thoughtful design and craftsmanship.

The essence of this call is to conceptualize and create a distinct separation unit that exhibits versatility both horizontally and vertically within a space, seamlessly incorporating a storage function.

Do you accept the challenge? Show us your creativity!

The Prize
The winning designer will be the special guest at B&T Design’s events during the Milan Design Week 2024, receiving a free spot to showcase their project.

The winner will fly with us to Turkey, to see the B&T House and the beautiful city of Istanbul! The designer will be part of a fascinating experience in the realization of the prototype, from design to production.
This will include the preparation of the technical drawings, the making of mockups, first mockup evaluations, the possibility of improvements and the finalization of the prototype.
A Versatile Separation Unit
The product under the spotlight
The main objective is to create a versatile modular and flexible separation unit, that can be adaptable in horizontal and vertical dimensions within a space, embodying storage functions and delivering a sculptural, independent presence in the area it inhabits.

The product should be creative and innovative, exemplifying a harmonious balance between functionality and visual appeal, thanks to its iconic presence. A key point to keep in mind when designing the project is sustainability. Circular materials and environmentally-conscious production methods are essential.
Something new everyday

At B&T Design, they start each day with a simple question: “What can we do new today that will inspire people?”

As an outcome of this question, they not only design chairs, sofas, poufs and tables, but also looks, moods, emotions and feelings for inspiring spaces.
  • 1
    8th NOVEMBER 2023
    Open call launch &
    event at DXBDW23
  • 3
    12th JANUARY 2024
    Deadline for applications
  • 3
    25th JANUARY 2024
    Winner announcement
  • 4
    Project production
  • 5
    15th – 21st APRIL 2024
    Participation at MDW
    with the winning project
Have doubts or questions?
Our team will get back to you. Contact us at hello@isola.design, writing “Open Call B&T Design” as the subject.

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Whatsapp: +39 320 1357924
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